Posture Fix: Upper and Lower Crossed Syndrome Stretches and Exercises
These exercises are best done 2-4 times per week with a day of rest between workouts. They can be used as a warm-up before your normal workout. Stretches: Hold each stretch for :45-60 seconds Corrective Strengthing Exercises : 1-3 sets of 10 with :05 second holds. Start with 1 set and progress up to 3 sets. Upper Crossed Syndrome Symptoms: Forward head posture, rounded shoulders, neck, shoulder and scapula pain Stretches: Exercises: Lower Crossed Syndrome Symptoms: Low back or hip pain, excessive lumbar curve, and weak core musculature Stretches: Exercises: ....
These exercises are best done 2-4 times per week with a day of rest between workouts. They can be used as a warm-up before your normal workout.
Stretches: Hold each stretch for :45-60 seconds
Corrective Strengthing Exercises: 1-3 sets of 10 with :05 second holds.
Start with 1 set and progress up to 3 sets.
Upper Crossed Syndrome Symptoms: Forward head posture, rounded shoulders, neck, shoulder and scapula pain
Lower Crossed Syndrome Symptoms: Low back or hip pain, excessive lumbar curve, and weak core musculature